Serial Killer – The Night Stalker, Richard Ramirez
Time to read: 3 minutes
During the spring and summer of 1985, Ramirez killed at least 14 people. In addition, he raped and and tortured at least 20 more people.
Richard Ramirez, was born and raised in El Paso, Texas, by Mexican immigrants.
He had a troubled childhood which was fuelled by drugs.

Richard Ramierz- The Night Stalker
His older cousin had served in the Vietnam War and was known to have tortured and mutilated Vietnamese woman. It was clear that this evil behaviour was in the family genes.
When Ramirez was just 13 years old, he witnessed his cousin kill his own wife.
Rameriz moved to California in 1970 and was repeatedly arrested for possession of drugs, car theft and burglary.
He then turned to murder, and was nicknamed “The Night Stalker” by the media as most of his killings took place at the victims homes in the middle of the night.
His first known murder was a 9 year old Chinese girl. Mei Leung and her younger brother had lost a 1 dollar bill and were searching for it. Rameriz approached mei leung and asked her to follow him into the basement of his apartment to look for the bill. Once he had her in the basement he raped the child before murdering her with a knife. He left her part naked body hanging from a drainpipe.
Rameriz went on to murder at least another 13 people, many of them raped and murdered in their own homes.

In some cases, he had slashed peoples’ throats so deep that he had nearly decapitated his victims. After he killed his victims, he would then walk around the house and steel anything of value. He would then go on to sell the items to help fund his cocaine habit.
As well as stabbing victims, on occasions he would take a gun and shot his victims dead, before raping them and robbing their homes.
He was even known to have killed elderly people in their late 60’s, so he really didn’t care who they were, as long as he could kill them so he could rob them.

He was eventually caught after he stole one of his victims cars, and although he had wiped the car down for prints, one fingerprint remained on the rear-view mirror.
Due to Rameriz having previously been arrested on drug and burglary charges, his fingerprints were on record and the police were able to identify to the killer as Richard Rameriz.
Rameriz was captured by the police at a local bus station.
On September 20th 1989, Rameriz was convicted of 13 counts of murder as well as other attempted murder, sexual assault and burglary charges.
Rameriz was sentenced to death however died in Prison before ever reaching the gas chamber.
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