Flight MH370 – The latest Theory

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Time to read: 4 minutes

The likely location of the lost plane MH370 has been discovered, according to a well-known aviation expert.

The story of MH370 and its 239 passengers and crew, all of whom are presumed dead, is aviation’s biggest mystery of all time. How can a Boeing 777 just vanish?

After a year of searching, the search operation was called off and there are no plans for an additional search.

The plane was headed northeast toward China when it took off, but shortly after that, it abruptly changed course and went back across the Malaysian peninsula. After that, it continued to take a south-eastern route into the Indian Ocean’s depths.

It is believed to have disappeared 2000 kilometres off the coast of Western Australia.

120,000 square kilometres were searched for MH370. But to this day, the plane has not been found.

Richard Godfrey, a British aerospace engineer, has meticulously examined the radio signal anomalies from that fateful night. He claims that has allowed him to pinpoint a brand-new crash zone.

Godfrey stated ,”In my opinion, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be planning for a new search.”

After conducting an analysis with the Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) technology, which is essentially an invisible radio wave similar to trip wires that records anything disturbing or passing through the waves, the ground-breaking discovery claim was made.

He has stated that he can reduce a search area to just 300 square kilometers, which could be examined within a few weeks. This includes some locations that have already been searched as well as others that were not examined at all during the initial rescue effort.

He stated, “With this very difficult terrain, wreckage can be missed.”

“When searching 120,000 square kilometers, you only get one chance to pass through each point. With 300 square kilometers, it’s possible to make multiple passes from various angles.

Godfrey revealed that his research has revealed additional information regarding the flight and its captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

Godfrey asserts that MH370 made a number of 360-degree turns over the sea, similar to holding patterns before an aircraft lands at a busy airport, rather than traveling in a straight line into the Indian Ocean. As a result, the “ghost flight” theory—that the plane was operating on autopilot while the crew and passengers were incapacitated—may not be true.

“This seems odd to me. Why would you enter a holding pattern for 20 minutes when you’re trying to find an aircraft in the most remote part of the Indian Ocean?

Plane debris found on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion is thought to be from the Boeing 777 that was Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Godfrey said, “The captain may have been communicating with the Malaysian government, he may have been checking to see if he was being followed, or he may have just wanted time to decide.”

If the theory is true, the Boeing 777’s peculiar course over the Indian Ocean lends credence to the idea that the captain deliberately lost control of the aircraft.

The director of operations for the MH370 search at the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) was Peter Foley.

Foley responded, “Yes, by a wide margin,” when asked if it was most likely that the captain was involved in a mass murder. “It horrifies me.”

Nonetheless, Foley stated that Godfrey’s conclusions required additional investigation.

“It is without a doubt beneficial to investigate new avenues”.

“Let’s hope he is onto something,” said Richard. “I think the jury is still out on his work.”

Godfrey was deemed “credible” by the ATSB, but no new investigation has been launched.

In a statement, ATSB Chief Commissioner Angus Mitchell stated, “The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has not had a formal involvement in any search for the missing aircraft MH370 since the conclusion of the first underwater search in 2017 and notes that any decision to conduct further searches would be a matter of the Government of Malaysia.”

“The ATSB is aware of Mr. Richard Godfrey’s work and acknowledges that he is a credible expert on the subject of MH370. However, the ATSB does not have the technical expertise to review his “MH370 Flight Path” paper and workings, and it has not been requested to do so.

So for now, there are still several theories out there. One being that the pilot deliberately turned off the tracking software during a hand-over from one countries air-control unit to another. The pilot then changed path and flew the plan to its final resting place in the Indian Ocean.

Another theory is that there was an electrical fire on board, which wiped out the electronics, meaning the crew lost all communication software and the tracking software was disabled. The fire was so intense that the crew were killed and that the plan then just continued, unmanned until if finally crashed.

Or could the plane have been taken over by terrorists, who took over control of the plane?

It could take years or decades to find the wreckage, and only once it is found will the truth be revealed. Hopefully with the ever evolving technology, the plane can be found and the families of the victims can finally have some closure

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